Tuesday, May 25

Tuesday Learning Journal

 Chronological Bible Reading

 kelek1/ke·lek/ /kélék/ n, kelek-kelek/ke·lek-ke·lek/ n 1 kayu (besi dan sebagainya) pemegang pada jembatan (tangga dan sebagainya); 2 sandaran tangan pada kursi dan sebagainya;

langkan1/lang·kan/ n serambi atas tempat meninjau; anjung peranginan; balkon

Words of the day post

1100 Peribahasa Indonesia (Copywork) : Adat bersendi syarak , syarak bersendi Kitabullah

syarak/sya·rak/ n hukum yang bersendi ajaran Islam; hukum Islam: kawin menurut --; pembagian warisan menurut --

Kitabullah (bahasa Arab: كتاب الله, translit. kitāb Allāh‎) adalah catatan-catatan yang difirmankan oleh Allah kepada para nabi dan rasul. Umat Islam diwajibkan meyakininya, karena mempercayai kitab-kitab selain Qur'an sesuai dengan salah satu Rukun Iman.


Maths konversikan nilai emas yang disebutkan di CBR tadi ke nilai emas di zaman now! (Harga Emas hari ini Rp 955,000 per gram)

The Story of Doctor Dolittle Chap 11 The Black Prince- "Never lift your foot till you come to the stile"

Stile noun an arrangement of steps that allows people but not animals to climb over a fence or wall.
"Never lift your foot till you come to the stile"
Not being at all worried about developing a plan when the rats tell him his ship will sink within two days. (His animals steal a pirate ship that conveniently comes by.) Not having the faintest plans about how to pay back his debts. (Polynesia and the Pushmi-Pullyu come to the rescue with an idea.)
convolvulus runners- sejenis tanaman berbunga yang tumbuh merambat

Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed) is a species of bindweed that is rhizomatous and is in the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae),[1] native to Europe and Asia. It is a climbing or creeping herbaceous perennial plant growing to 0.5–2 m high. 

source: wikipedia




Chapter 12-Medicine and Magic

poplar tree 

any of the rapidly growing, salicaceous trees of the genus Populus, usually characterized by the columnar or spirelike manner of growth of its branches

Pollyana Grows Up Bab 15 Bibi Polly Waspada

These Happy Golden Years-Bab 1 selesai

sullen artinya cemberut

Naked Traveller 2


AJS: Yahoi inspired

latihan mengikat tali

Aneka sayuran, latihan menulis dan menomori 


AJS: Yayoi inspired -Mario's mushroom hop by Viena

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